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Hello Ireland!

     After being on hold for the last two years, visiting the Emerald Isle finally came to be. With its stunning scenery, historical sites, and incredibly friendly people (not to mention the pubs), Ireland did not disappoint! Getting There Stories have been told, and movies made about the struggles of Irish immigrants who made their way to North America suffering in dark, rank conditions in the steerage sections of ships. While in no way do I wish to diminish their sad history, I feel that the tourists of 2022, who are brave enough to board a flight in economy class (i.e. steerage!) share something in common with these poor souls. Being squeezed into tiny seats with little or no leg room for seven hours, forced to struggle with the luggage that you did not check for fear of it being lost, and being fed food that is comparable to gruel seems to be a modern day reality.  The above photo is the ticket we were given when we visited the Titanic Museum in Cobh, near Cork. ...

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