Happy Covid Christmas!


Even though this little "self-isolating" snowman is out in the cold and not able to see all the folks he'd like to this Christmas, he has a sweet smile and is planning to make the best of it! As are we all this year.

It will certainly be a different holiday season for all of us (some more than others). So all we can do is relax and enjoy a more simple celebration. .... and besides, if we've forgotten a present or baked fewer cookies, or left half the seasonal decor in the storage box - we can blame it on Covid!

A few short weeks ago we were in "orange" (if you are an historian from the future and happened across this ancient blog you will be scratching your head), and I was considering the idea of being really "Covid" lazy and not putting up a tree. We even toyed with the thought of forgoing a turkey and getting a couple of lobsters! But just in the nick of time we went back to "yellow" and getting a tree was on the to do list and the turkey was back on the table (well not yet but at least in the freezer).

The tree may not be that special but the ornaments certainly are!

While my Christmas decor changes from year to year, the one thing that has never changed is our tree. Yes, we have a different "real" tree every year but the ornaments are all special treasures that remind us of Christmases past and bygone eras. I have to say that eighty percent of our ornaments were made by my mother. Each year she came to visit at Christmas when our kids were little and she always had a selection of handmade ornaments carefully packed in her suitcase. We have a few vintage ornaments from Ross's family (the silver bell), some handcrafted ones from other friends and family (the embroidered kitty from my friend Diane circa 1980), a construction paper nutcracker created by our little Scotty in grade one, and several souvenirs from summer vacations. 

So I'm all ready for the big day!

While there are decorations that are still in storage and the fridge is not as overflowing in anticipation of Christmas visitors, I am glad that at least the tree is up and all decked out with good memories. 

Wishing Everyone a Happy Holiday Season!


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